Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Becoming an Adult Through Clothing

As I near my 28th birthday...which means I'm nearing my 30th birthday... I have a big problem... how does one become an adult?  I am very torn on the little things that make a person a grown up compared to a college student.  But in this new world I think it's harder then you might imagine.  My generation is one of the first that women really choose to not have kids right away (or ever) and instead pick a career.  I know it's not a new concept, but this poses a big question for me... how do you dress?  I watch makeover shows and they talk about "moms on the go"... or they are dressing a woman who has a career I would like... but is 15 years older then me.  I want to be cute, stylish, young, but also professional, it's a hard place to be in especially when I am a larger size and can't just shop in any old store.  I honestly feel that suits make me look like a 5 year old wearing her dad's jacket with her mom's high heels on and pearls... needless to say that's not me.  I'm more of a T-shirt and jeans kinda girl, which I know isn't professional, but to be honest if it's not made of cotton it's not in my closet.  And don't forget shoes, hairstyles, jewelry, makeup... all of which can clearly age you: too much sparkle means you party too much; too dark makes you look older.  And just like my flip flops, jeans, and Cinderella socks --- my makeup and jewelry is a minimum.

I am trying to change, I started wearing mascara, bought some cute brown pumps, and today... bought a suit jacket.  I was in the dressing room and had the black jacket on.  I know it's the more professional look, but it's SO far from being me I just couldn't buy it... so I bought one in gray.  I need to see if I can make an outfit out of it... who knows if that will even be possible.  I would LOVE if Stacy and Clinton from TLC's "What Not to Wear" would come and just change my whole wardrobe for me.  And the $5,000 shopping spree wouldn't be that bad either.

So here I am, with my $300 a week unemployment salary trying to change my look, defining an entire generation... and it's all starting with a new jacket.


  1. Are you related to Alicia..LOL. that shopping trip sounds like one of Alicia's. she tries to get dressed up and gets all frustrated and irritated!! Bart finally stopped asking what takes so long! He really doesn't want to hear the story!

  2. I love that show....what not to wear. Changing America's appearance one bad dresser at a time.
