Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Painful Curb Appeal

I haven't talked much about it... but my house is for sale.  It's a cute little house, especially on the inside, since I like painting and decorating and all that stuff.  I bought the house 5 years ago this week... and when I bought a house I was so excited to get to plant things, have a garden, and a great patio.  I have used the patio a lot, it's great... it's the only thing I still think is great.

The past few days I have spent the mornings outside digging up a flowerbed that goes the length of the driveway... the problem is, it was never really taken care of, even before I bought it... so there are weeds up to my waist.  Usually in the fall I just run the lawnmower over it and pretend it doesn't exist.  But I'm starting to realize that the outside it going to have to change if I don't want the house to be on the market for an entire year.  So there I am... digging up weeds and buckets of irises that have been dormant for about 2 years (thanks to a lack of sun with all the weeds).  My shoulders hurt, I've sweat more in the past few days than the years of living here.  It's hard to think that the only way I'm going to sell my house is to put money and time into something I've never really cared that much about.... especially when I'm this sore!

I guess part of me hoped someone would see the potential and want to do it themselves... but that's clearly not going to happen.  I just hope whoever buys this house won't do what happened to my parents... they left beautiful roses behind... just to come back a year later and see them all dug up... I guess it doesn't really matter since in the 700 square foot apartment we would be moving into doesn't have a yard (most likely) the only plants that will be making the move is the beautiful orchid my boyfriend got me for my birthday (that is unless my black thumbs kill it!)... so here's hoping for a good workout and even better results!


  1. keep up the good work, it will pay off in many ways! Just hope it's a little cooler tomorrow!
    Love, Mom

  2. Don't feel bad, I have a black thumb too! I think only the guys in my family has a green thumb.Bart took over my flowers.Thanks God, you must have to like dirt, sweat, bugs and whatever to be a gardener. Who ever said gardening is theraputic is.....well..what so theraputic about it??
    Love ya
