Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Need for Something Furry

As I've mentioned before it's the little things in life that get you through the days, and something I'm a firm believer in is that everyone should have pets.  Shaun and I have 3: 2 cats, Jack & Kittie, and 1 adorable bunny, Shamus.  Research says people who have pets live longer, are less stressed, and are healthier, and the more time I spend with them the more obvious it is why.

See, unlike humans pets are just happy to have you.  They don't care what you are wearing, what you look like, if you had a bad day, if you are sick... it doesn't matter, as long as you feed them, play with them and occasionally give them treats you are their hero.  And seriously how many times in your life do you get to be a hero?!! 

A few weeks ago I was sick, a horrible head cold that had me sleeping about 18 hours a day... most of my time was spent going between the bed and the couch trying to get comfy.  My cats took turns laying on top of me.... it may sound annoying to some, but to me I found it comforting.  Cuddled and purring they appreciated the chance to get to hang with me, and for me it was just nice to be appreciated for just existing.  It was reminiscent of being a kid again when my mom held me, brushing my hair behind my ear, making me lime jello with pears (my absolute favorite).  It's not exactly the same... I mean the cats didn't make me any food... but just having someone, something next to you is an amazing feeling.

They are also great for laughs, we enjoy when they run around the house chasing bugs (real and imaginary) and even more when the fight...pictured here:

It looks like they don't like each other, and it's hard to explain unless you see it... but when they "fight" it's hysterical.  The faces they make, the way they hesitate then BAM go at it... it can make me laugh so hard my sides hurt.  And while I'm not suggesting everyone goes out and gets two cats who only like each other some times.... I do think that having pets adds something to your life.

1 comment:

  1. That picture weirded me out for a moment, 'cause Jack's head looked kinda like it was coming straight out of the floor, heheh.
