Saturday, May 22, 2010

"We Decided Not To Continue"

Yesterday I got two emails from two different jobs, both telling me "while your experience and qualifications are impressive, we have decided not to move forward with your application at this time."  Now some people may be glad that they hear back, knowing that they can stop hoping.... me... I hate it.  

Most places get so many applicants that they never bother to write back.  I find that idea much more comforting, because there is still a bit of hope.  My last job for example, I applied for right out of college in June... never heard back.  Then in October I get a call out of the blue asking me to come in for an interview.  What happened?  They hired someone, but then she decided it wasn't the job for her and left.  I know that is an EXTREMELY rare situation... but still it happens.  

I guess the thing that bothers me about the rejection letters is they tell you that you are great and whatnot... but they don't tell you WHY they don't want you.  I have the same frustration with my house, I get good feedback, but few people say WHY they decided not to buy.  I know it may seem harsh, and I know that I do not take criticism well (imagine me in a pile of tears)... but still at least then you have something to work on.  Instead leaving it wide open my mind wanders... it thinks of all the reasons they may have passed: did I not have enough experience, maybe it's because I'm not a pro at excel (though how would they know that), maybe it's because I'm a girl... maybe it's because I live 2,000 miles away... who knows.  

I have always been that way, the type of person who wants to know why I'm not good enough for people... even if I can't handle the honest truth... I'd rather know because at least then my mind doesn't spend hours wandering.  I guess I should go... my mind has a lot more wandering to do today... and I have a lot more jobs to apply for!

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