Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Who You Gonna Call???

Unemployment... I'm sure you've all heard horror stories about waiting in long lines and being on hold forever.  I am hear to say... it's not THAT bad.  Thanks to technology the lines are gone but there are still some problems you need to overcome. 

A days (10 to be exact) my unemployment ran out and I called to apply for the extension.  As of yesterday I still wasn't getting my benefits.  So the question comes.... how you gonna call???  You get a book of phone numbers and none of them tell you who to call for what.  So I started.  I decided the first person to call is the one person I met in person.  I called him in the morning... then about 6 hours later got a call back.  I know I shouldn't be upset because at least I got a call back in the same day... but it was frustrating to finally get the call just for him to tell me... you have to call another number.

So here I am, calling the processing center, praying that I get through before 5 pm (Keep in mind I'm calling at 3:45).... with the phone on speaker I start pacing thinking of all the "what if's"... What if I don't get an extension?  What if I can't pay my mortgage this month?  What if the worst happens???

Luckily it all worked out for me... I got THE nicest lady ever who told me that my claim was never processed and that she would post date it to cover the last few weeks.  (TIP: If you ever have to call, be really nice... the people on the phone will go OUT of their way to be nice back... which is a huge plus).

At the end of the day I guess I'm ok... but it was a bit scary.

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