Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's Times Like These....

There are times in your life when you are going through your own struggle... but then something happens and you realize that God must be busy with other people... and it's for the best.  So yes, I have been praying that I sell my house, find a job, etc. etc.  But recently my prayers have changed direction... to others, who need them a lot more than me.

A dear family friend is about to have surgery.  Growing up they were like another Aunt and Uncle, and were people I was always happy to see.  But this week, a prayer request came out, asking to keep him in mind as he undergoes a serious surgery... and my heart breaks a little... it makes me feel a bit selfish for wanting my life to improve, when at least my small family (and extended family) is for the most part healthy.

Another family friend also recently went through A LOT.  Hospitalized for something... the doctors still can't diagnose, and my not until it's too late... and while the miracle of prayer did help him recover some what, he now is burying his father-in-law.

It really makes you think... I've always been a firm believer that God never gives you more than you can handle... and when I look at other situations, I think... maybe he knows I can't handle that much!  I mean, I would be a wreck if something happened to Shaun... heck even with my cat, Jack, was sick I was a nervous mom!  I know I may not be the most religious person in the world... or even in my family... but I do believe in prayers and miracles... and hope... HOPE that those who have been so good to my family for so many years will have the strength to get through these times... and maybe a little hope that when their lives get back to "normal" that God may have a second or two to help Shaun and I sell our home :)

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