Friday, April 30, 2010

A Little Bit About Me

With some new followers (WELCOME!!) I realized if you don't know me, you are probably wondering... why am I reading this.  So I thought I would share some stuff about me (obviously without putting so much out there I get stalkers...).

As I've said I'm reaching bday number 28.  I grew up in a small town in Northeast Ohio as the youngest of 4 children.  I am VERY lucky to have an amazing family, and to have parents that are not only still married, but still in love.  My older siblings are 11, 10 and 5 years older then me... which gives me great people to ask for advice and have become great friends as I became an adult.  Yes, it was weird growing up having 2 siblings in college when I was celebrating my 10th birthday.. and my closer brother and I didn't always get along.... but now that we are older we get along great.

After high school I was THRILLED to move to the "Big City" of Columbus and go to THE Ohio State University (yes, OSU Alums are snobs about the "THE").  I was actually planning on becoming a Veterinarian when I had some personal life changes and had to take a break from the Chemistry classes.  I took my freshman English class and blew the teacher away.  Before heading home for summer vacation she sat me down and told me I shouldn't waste my talent of story telling and suggested I consider becoming a journalist.  That teacher changed my life.  I changed majors and went into Mass Communications, working at a local NPR station before switching to TV. 

While my career was changing from cute pets to cut throat reporters, my personal life changed too.  I became and aunt... 4 times over!  My personal life goal: to be the coolest aunt in history... and I'm well on my way.  I started dating Shaun more than 3 years ago, finally giving me a reason to understand what people talk about when they go on and on about love. 

Lately my life has been pretty good, at least the personal side.... I am lucky to have an amazing family that backs me up in my decisions and a boyfriend who loves me no matter what I do too!  My career has stalled... to what seems like will be forever.  I have decided that my life in TV isn't something I want to do forever, and that maybe I would be better suited writing.  In an ideal world I would be a cool columnist, like "Carrie" in "Sex in the City"... but without all the sex.  I imagine it would be more like "Cats in the City"... since my life is much more boring.  I also would be more than happy working for a company in their Communications department writing newsletters and press releases.... I just want a job that I can be proud of.  I am trying to move to Seattle, WA... a big jump I know... but I love it there and that's where my heart wants to be.... now I just need to convince someone 2,000 miles away that I am someone they can't live without... that shouldn't be too hard... right?

Bargin Hunting to the Extreme

So one thing I've learned since I haven't been working is how to really budget.  I've always been pretty good with money, thanks in part to great role models in my parents, but I've never had THIS tight of a budget.  With that comes the need to learn the ability to look for bargains... to the extreme.  So I will share some of my advice, things I've learned that help me enjoy life and stay within (or close to) my new budget.

1. Sign up for loyalty cards: while there is no loyalty to employees many companies have lots of loyalty to their customers, now more than ever.  And yes, it's annoying to have to have 20 cards, but a trick I learned, get the keychain ones, put it on the same keychain and just leave it in your car or purse.  Anyhow, these loyalty programs often come with good perks.  Restaurants send me coupons for free appetizers or deserts, yesterday Shaun and I got free smoothies just for stopping in between 2 and 4.  Just make sure you use a "junk email" email account (you know a free email service you only use for this and online shopping so all your junk email goes to one inbox and doesn't clutter up email from friends and family).  Needless to say I love love love the perks cards. (Best ones: AMC Theatres, CVS, Eddie Bauer, and Kroger/Giant Eagle)

2. Coupons: I know this seems like a "duh!" but it's not just the ones you find in the Sunday paper.  New businesses put coupons in the free papers you find at coffee shops.  And the best investment for those who live in a big city... the Entertainment Book.  For $20 you can get an entire book of coupons.  Some, I admit, are dumb ($1 off zoo admission... REALLY????), but others are great and have you getting your money back in no time.  Buy one get one dinners are always good, as are ice cream treats and games of bowling.  Plus it gets you to try some new places in the city.  And don't forget... you can always print more online!!!

3. Weekly Specials: Now I don't have kids, but there are more and more restaurants offering "kids eat free" nights... just keep an eye out for what your restaurant does.  Also, some restaurants have big deals during happy hour or nights during the week.  Bar Louie for example has dollar burger night, and if you go during happy hour you get 1/2 price appetizers.  Shaun and I filled up for $15... for full price we would have spent $38!  Also, the dollar theatre has cheaper movie tickets on Monday & Tuesday!

4. Mailing Lists: Yes, I know, we all hate junk mail.  But in this economy many places will mail out coupons in hopes of getting you in the door!  Half Price Books for example will send you a post card with coupons to use on a specific date... up to 50% off one item!  Not only are you getting a deal, but buying a used book means you are saving a tree too!

5. Staying In: I think this is often over looked because... well it can be boring.  But it doesn't have to be.  I mean you are already paying for cable (let's face it in this day and age who doesn't have cable!)... and if not you surely have some DVD's or can rent one (FREE) from the public library.  Get a movie, make some popcorn and hang it... it's a lot cheaper than a night at the movies!  You can also have friends over for a game night... make some cookies (homemade is cheaper than buying at the store!) and play some games.  It may sound a bit dorky... but if they are really your friends they will just have fun with you... and if not, a cheap bottle of wine will loosen anyone up!

The thing is, even if you aren't unemployed and are making money you can always save some more!  It's hard not to stick to your usual traditions of going out to dinner when you don't feel like cooking, and having to way for the morning matinee for a movie you really want to see instead of going Friday night (yes if you go to the movies before noon it's pretty much half price)... but even just a few changes really start adding up.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

An Added Bonus

So I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but I just couldn't wait... plus with new followers the pressure is on to keep it fresh!  :)

I was watching "Up in the Air" when I was visiting my mom this last week.  I knew that it was about a man whose job is to fire people, but didn't realize just how much it would focus on people learning that all their hard work was essentially for nothing... that hit a bit close to home.  There was a silver lining... at the end of the film (and don't worry it's not a spoiler), it went back to some of the people he fired and they talked about what got them through their tough time.  There was one girl, about my age, who talked about how money keeps you warm with buying heat and blankets, but nothing is better then falling asleep in her husbands arms.  It sounds really corny and cheesy I know... but it's true.  At the end of the day it's the little things that get you through this.  Shaun, my boyfriend, is amazing; he is there for me when I'm crying, laughing, when I'm pulling my hair out, when I'm nervous about an interview, he is there... period.

When I was working my 50 hours of overnights I missed out on a lot of stuff I didn't even realize I was missing out of, and cuddling with Shaun was just the beginning.  I lucked out that my unemployment started just before the holidays... and this holiday season was the best I have had in a long time.  Halloween was celebrated amongst friends who love our house for parties and wanted to make sure we had our traditional party... so much so they provided all the food and drink for the party... and we ran out of table space.  Those friends are the type of friends you wait your whole life to meet and keep forever.  Thanksgiving was great, I was able to attend both family dinners (mine & Shaun's) with no rush to get home early or being tired from working the night before.  I went shopping on Black Friday instead of setting up live shots while others got deals.  But the best was Christmas.

The past 5 years I was either drafted or volunteered to work Christmas.  I never minded it THAT much at the time, but with my family expanding (adding Shaun and his family) it was starting to get tiring.  This year I took full advantage of the time off.  I baked cookies galore (even baked cookies for a little cash for people), decorated the house, etc.  The best thing was spending time with friends and family.  From visits with friends and family (including seeing my G-Pa for what would be his last Christmas) to decorating cookies leading up to the big day, going to Wildlights, and then the two family celebrations.  Christmas was a bit cheaper this year, but was made up for 10 full with the memories that I will keep long after the fancy body soaps and chocolate.

Pictured: me, my niece Cara and nephew Clay at Columbus Zoo's Wildlights

The One Perk of Unemployment

Many people think there are a lot of perks to not having a job.  Yeah, you have lots of free time... but you have no money to do anything fun.  And I'm sure once I get a new job it will all be for the best, and worth all the time spent looking for jobs online, and watching endless episodes of "Law & Order: SVU" and "Sell This House."    But until then I will enjoy the one perk: Sleep.  Glorious sleep.  Keep in mind when I was working I was putting in a minimum of 50 hours, all overnights, and during the weekends.  The idea of sleeping in on a Saturday was lost with me since at 9 am I was getting ready to GO to bed. 

That's all changed now.  Getting up before 9 am ANY day of the week means I didn't get enough sleep, plus don't forget the additional sleep perk: naps.  It's amazing how tiring essentially doing nothing can be.  Straining your brain to think of  a way to sell yourself to companies you know little about, tweaking your cover letter and resume to put you in the best possible light, scouring craigslist,,, the state of Washington's jobs page for jobs... it is tiring.  Luckily there is sleep, and naps.  Curling up on the couch with a nice blanket, next to an open window allowing the fresh air to come in, maybe a cat curled up on your feet... it's a great feeling that I try to enjoy knowing that I am lucky to be able to do this at this point in my life.

In case you are wondering the alarm is still set, for 9 am.  I do get up and make breakfast for me and my boyfriend, something I never got to do when I was working.  I will admit that I wish I was the type of person who was taking this time to get up and run every morning, slowing dropping clothing sizes and extending my life expectancy.  But that would just mean I would have to buy new clothes... and we all know that isn't going to happen.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vacation Withdrawl

Vacations, a luxury to many... but to me I get through my worst days by planning my next trip.  My last vacation was less than a year ago, my boyfriend, Shaun, and I went to Seattle... our future home.  It was great, we saw all the sights, ate great food, went over our budget... you know, had an amazing vacation!  But... it wouldn't last.  Just one month later I was filing for unemployment, hoping that I would be able to pay my mortgage and keep internet.  The thing is, now I have no vacation to plan, no stress-free weeks to look forward to... just more of the same.  And yes, I am planning my move, planning the road trip, but it's incredibly hard to plan when you don't know when, IF EVER, you will be moving.  And that is depressing.

I am looking forward to a trio of Pearl Jam concerts.  Shaun loves them, most of the time I think more than he loves me, but seeing his loyalty to a band makes me certain he will be loyal to me.  We are seeing a show in town, driving to Cleveland to see a show there, then driving to Indy to see one there too... but with no job it means instead of staying in a nice clean hotel we will be spending more time driving... and sleeping... in the car.  It will be worth it, and this is my first Pearl Jam road trip.  Shaun used to do the tour a lot before he met me, and in the Pacific Northwest it's a lot harder to follow a band around since the cities are so much further apart.  I am looking forward to the shows, but planning this as our yearly vaca makes me really miss the beach.

I guess I shouldn't complain.  There are so many families and couples out there who are lucky to have a vacation at all and I get bummed going an entire year without one.  As a way to end this I will focus on the things I love that are right here in Columbus: game night with friends, a dinner with my family, free arts and culture festivals, and grilling out.  However, if anyone wants to pay for a weekend in Hocking Hills for us I'll plan the entire trip!  :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Becoming an Adult Through Clothing

As I near my 28th birthday...which means I'm nearing my 30th birthday... I have a big problem... how does one become an adult?  I am very torn on the little things that make a person a grown up compared to a college student.  But in this new world I think it's harder then you might imagine.  My generation is one of the first that women really choose to not have kids right away (or ever) and instead pick a career.  I know it's not a new concept, but this poses a big question for me... how do you dress?  I watch makeover shows and they talk about "moms on the go"... or they are dressing a woman who has a career I would like... but is 15 years older then me.  I want to be cute, stylish, young, but also professional, it's a hard place to be in especially when I am a larger size and can't just shop in any old store.  I honestly feel that suits make me look like a 5 year old wearing her dad's jacket with her mom's high heels on and pearls... needless to say that's not me.  I'm more of a T-shirt and jeans kinda girl, which I know isn't professional, but to be honest if it's not made of cotton it's not in my closet.  And don't forget shoes, hairstyles, jewelry, makeup... all of which can clearly age you: too much sparkle means you party too much; too dark makes you look older.  And just like my flip flops, jeans, and Cinderella socks --- my makeup and jewelry is a minimum.

I am trying to change, I started wearing mascara, bought some cute brown pumps, and today... bought a suit jacket.  I was in the dressing room and had the black jacket on.  I know it's the more professional look, but it's SO far from being me I just couldn't buy it... so I bought one in gray.  I need to see if I can make an outfit out of it... who knows if that will even be possible.  I would LOVE if Stacy and Clinton from TLC's "What Not to Wear" would come and just change my whole wardrobe for me.  And the $5,000 shopping spree wouldn't be that bad either.

So here I am, with my $300 a week unemployment salary trying to change my look, defining an entire generation... and it's all starting with a new jacket.

Monday, April 26, 2010

So... I'm starting over

So here I am, starting the world of blogging after advice from my not so technologically savvy mom.  While at first I thought she was crazy I've decided... why not, I need to write, I crave writing, so why not.  I bet you are wondering who I am.  I'm 27 years old, lived in Ohio my entire life, and live in a small 3 bedroom home with my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years our two cats and a bunny (yes, I know, adorable!).  I worked in television as a news producer for 5 years before not being renewed this past October.  I've slowly been bleeding my savings dry with little money coming in and being exciting for my tax refund and cashing in my 401K.  Of course keep this in mind, with 5 years of work... that 401K wasn't that much.  I own my house, which was quite an achievement at 23 when I bought it... but with no job I'm quickly becoming house poor.  I put the house on the market in March hoping the first time home buyer credit would get it sold and get me to my dream fast!  So what's my dream?  To move to Seattle, leave TV behind, and work as a Communications Director for a large company.  I have had lots of great advice for selling the house, and I wouldn't know what to do without the career counselor I've been seeing... I guess in the end I'm hoping that writing everything out... going back to what I know best... will get me to where I want to go.