Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So Sore... BUT... It's Beautiful!!!

I'm pretty sure for the next 24 hours all I will be able to do is type... as I can not move my arms, and my legs feel like rubber.  Why may you ask am I so sore... it's flowerbeds.  The past 2 days I have gone into overdrive in getting the weeds gone, flowers in, and mulch on.

First, removing weeds... these are not your "normal" weeds... we are talking monster, I haven't tended to my weeds in 5 years, weeds.  These are the kind that require shovels, roundup and muscle.  So not all of them are terrible, in one bed a lot of it was just grass, which was easy to pull up... but most of it... took A LOT of energy.  The only part that's left is about a 2'x3' section, which I plan to tackle tomorrow evening.

Second, plant... including color.  Now I have 2 VERY black thumbs.  A plant it lucky to survive 3 months in my care... so needless to say the only plants that are still in the flowerbeds are the kind it takes a stampede of elephants to kill.  But this is where my parents come to the rescue.  Not only are they AMAZING landscapers, they are amazing enough to dig up some flowers and lug them down to my house.  I did stop at Lowe's to get a few shade plants (a lot of their yard is sun)  But still... they saved me a ton, which is very helpful when you are on a limited budget.

Last... Mulch.  This was the part I was dreading... not for work, but for the pocket book.  I will admit, the thought crossed my mind to just start pulling handfuls of mulch from restaurants and apartment buildings landscape and put them in my purse until I had enough to cover the whole area... but I could be stealing handfuls until NEXT July.  This year... I scored the deal of a lifetime!  Given I am later than a lot of garden enthusiasts.... I decided to call around (with the advice of my wonderful boyfriend).  Now, I called Giant Eagle and they told me 74 cents... I thought... YEAH RIGHT!  But I decided to give it a go... and sure enough... less than a dollar a bag.  So I got more than I thought (with a second run to the store that trunk does not hold that much) and now I'm right on track to put the house back on the market... looking better than ever!!!!  Seriously... take a look!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

It's Times Like These....

There are times in your life when you are going through your own struggle... but then something happens and you realize that God must be busy with other people... and it's for the best.  So yes, I have been praying that I sell my house, find a job, etc. etc.  But recently my prayers have changed direction... to others, who need them a lot more than me.

A dear family friend is about to have surgery.  Growing up they were like another Aunt and Uncle, and were people I was always happy to see.  But this week, a prayer request came out, asking to keep him in mind as he undergoes a serious surgery... and my heart breaks a little... it makes me feel a bit selfish for wanting my life to improve, when at least my small family (and extended family) is for the most part healthy.

Another family friend also recently went through A LOT.  Hospitalized for something... the doctors still can't diagnose, and my not until it's too late... and while the miracle of prayer did help him recover some what, he now is burying his father-in-law.

It really makes you think... I've always been a firm believer that God never gives you more than you can handle... and when I look at other situations, I think... maybe he knows I can't handle that much!  I mean, I would be a wreck if something happened to Shaun... heck even with my cat, Jack, was sick I was a nervous mom!  I know I may not be the most religious person in the world... or even in my family... but I do believe in prayers and miracles... and hope... HOPE that those who have been so good to my family for so many years will have the strength to get through these times... and maybe a little hope that when their lives get back to "normal" that God may have a second or two to help Shaun and I sell our home :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Needing Inspiration

I'm sure a few of you have noticed that I haven't posted in a while... for this I blame my mom who told me I seem to never gets writers block... but here I am... with nothing to write about.  It's not that nothing is going on in my life... just nothing noteworthy.  I guess my life is just lacking inspiration.  I do have a small thing... a little going green action.  Today I was at a garage sale and we got a steal of a deal on some nice planters.  But, now I'm taking a crash course in gardening 101.  I have two black thumbs... which is weird since my parents both seem to be able to keep plants alive for years!  I guess thumb colors are genetic.  But at least I have them for advice... and hopefully I'll soon be able to have a lovely landscaped home that people want to pay more than asking price for!!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Off The Market.... For Now

Today I took my house off the market... the house isn't sold, but something had to happen. See, it's been 6 weeks since we had a showing, and no one seems interested. My realtor said we have had a few drive-bys, but they can't get past the weeds out front. So I decided to strategize. Here's my brilliant plan (with thanks from advice from my older brother):

We are taking the house off the market for 30 days. In that time I am going to ROCK the outside of the house by pulling all the weeds, adding some color... in essence do my own little "Curb Appeal" special (with a much smaller budget).  When I'm done... before day 30... we will take some new pictures off the amazing outside and relist the home... and since it's more than 30 days, it will be considered a new listing.

NOW... phase 2 of my plan... with the new listing it will sell in NO TIME, and Shaun and I will be on our way to continue our life in Seattle.... hopefully sooner than later.

Who knows if it will work.  Some buyers say it had worked for them, and I know the biggest thing holding people back is the landscaping, so let's go ahead and take that off the list.  My brother did give me some good advice.  He said to pull up to the house and take a look around... objectively (easier said then done I know).... then go up to the door that the key is at... stop and look around.  See, while the realtor is messing with the key, first time home buyers are going to be looking around... looking for reasons to buy or pass on your house.  Good advice.

Well, I gotta go pull the sign out of the front yard... and all the weeds.  Anyone want to help???

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Today I decided to share something I wrote earlier.  My dad, a hero to many, including me, has accomplished so much in his life, especially when you consider all he had to overcome.  This year I nominated him for the Ohio Veteran's Hall of Fame... which I'm still waiting to hear what they said... so below was what I wrote in hopes of getting him in the Hall:

          I feel very strongly that Nicholas should be accepted into the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame.  Not only is he my father, but he is an exemplary example of a true blooded American and what a Veteran should represent.  Not only did he excel in the military by earning a Bronze and Silver Star, but he continues to educate the public about the good deeds done in the military through his advocacy with the Vietnam Veterans of America, participating in parades and even taking part in presentations at area schools.  

Nicholas is always available to tell others what his time in the military did for him; helped him realize his full potential, helped him get through college, and helped him create a life he is proud to share with his family. 
I have never met a Veteran more proud of his past, and more dedicated to those who fought alongside him.  He has visited the Vietnam Memorial more times than I can remember, each time taking moments to remember and honor those who had the same fight in them, but were not able to come home and live their dreams. 
I know this nomination packet only shows a small part of my father, but I hope it is enough to show the committee just how amazing of a soldier, husband, father, grandfather, and American Nicholas has become.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Has My House Always Been This Dirty?

Having more time on my hands means I'm noticing a lot more than I used to.  And while cleaning the bathroom today I thought to myself... has it always been this dirty?  I swear I feel like I'm cleaning more often then I ever did before.  I figure one or some of the following things factored into this:

1. I'm bored, therefore being more picky than normal on how dirty things are.
2. Since the house is on the market we have to keep it nicer than normal, therefore I feel the need to keep up with things more.
3. Since buying the house I have added a man, rabbit and a second cat... obviously making more of a mess... however our family has been complete for more than a year now, and I don't remember cleaning this much a year ago.
4. The house has always been really messy but with my work schedule I just didn't notice.  I know I'm not the only one to ever work overnights, or 50 hours a week.  I know other people do it, with kids, etc.... and maybe their houses are also messy.  But I thought maybe I was just too tired to notice the soap scum in the back corner of the shower, or the tiny pieces of litter that make their way down the hall.

So who knows what the reasoning is... I do know that I am enjoying a cleaner home.... but my least favorite chore is still cleaning the toilet!!!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kittie 911!!!

So today I had to take my cat to the vet for an emergency... not exactly what I was planning to do today, or what I was planning on doing with money.

See 5 years ago, Jack (my beautiful tabby) had a UTI.... it was fixed and he has been healthy since... well at least physically.  He didn't like it much when he got a dad, brother rabbit, and a kid sitter cat... and decided that he was going to rebel by peeing on.... well everything.  Lately he has been fine, especially after we got rid of the sofa he was particularly fond of.  Then there was this past week... he decided to start peeing on a bedroom door.  I figured he was just mad about something... so I didn't think much of it.  Until this morning, when he peed a little blood :(.

So here I am, calling the vet getting an appointment.  It wasn't as expensive as it could have been, after all it was less than $100.  But still... that's 1/3 of what I make a week.  It's hard sometimes thinking about these emergency situations.  You don't want to think about it, and when you are on a tight budget you don't usually budget for them either.  I'm hoping he will be ok in a week... luckily my best friend is a vet (3 states away)... but still a great person to call when I have questions I'm too embarrassed to ask a complete stranger.  But until he's all better... please send good thoughts to my baby Jack....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

207 Threads To Tie It All Together

I'm not sure why buying something so simple can completely change my mood.  Today, Shaun and I made the trek to Ikea... after shopping, eating some delicious meatballs, and more shopping... I finally convinced Shaun that we need more gender neutral bedding.  I know it seems ridiculous to spend money on new bedding when I am on such a limited income.... but I do have some reasoning behind this purchase.

1. The duvet cover I have is really nice, it's 100% cotton, smooth... and white with flowers. At the time I got it, it wasn't my first choice... it was just the most economical choice that I also liked.  Since Shaun and I now share a home, I started feeling bad that there was so much "girly" stuff around.... so the new cover is much more gender neutral.

2. I've had my other duvet cover since I got the down comforter... 7 years ago.  So I think that should count for something as time to upgrade... right?

3. At Ikea it's still A LOT cheaper than a lot of other places!  A king size cover (which is what I need) is only $40... at someplace like Bed Bath and Beyod... it would be at least $100.  So that at least makes it a deal!

I really shouldn't need reasons to want to treat myself... but I do find it funny how a 207 thread count duvet cover can make me so happy and motivated to change so much all at the same time!!!  I have a vision on how I want to change some things... now I just need to find the rest of the pieces!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Rejection... and A Little Bit of Positive

So this week has been very interesting in the job search.  First the negative... I got 3 rejection letters today.  I still feel that while it's nice to know that a job I applied to several months ago is now filled... it doesn't help.  Plus, all of the letters said there were more than 200 applicants.  So it's hard to not get down on yourself when I'm here in Ohio and there are 199+ applicants applying for the same job that are NOT in Ohio. 

On the other side... I applied to a job at a museum about... 3 months ago.  I heard back and they filled the position.  Then on Thursday I was doing my normal round of searches when I saw the job... was open again!  So I reapplied.  Not sure if I stand a chance, after all it's not like I had an interview.  But I'm trying to stay positive.  See my last job at the TV station... well I applied in June... never heard back until I got a call in October.  They filled the position and then the person didn't work out so they called me!  So ya never know.

It is hard not getting discouraged... ok who am I kidding... I'm discouraged.   I guess what's hard is to not let it stop you... I keep trying to tell myself that at some point it will work out... and at this point in my life it's still working.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Can Applications Come with IQ Tests?

I am not going to boast that I am a genius, because I know I'm not.  I am confident in saying that I am smarter than the average person... at least I think so (as do standardized tests).... my problem is... I question if my resume lets people know that.

I do not want to speak bad of people who work in television, because I sat next to some individuals that were incredibly smart, much smarter than myself.  But I also sat next to some people I questioned how they even got into college let alone graduated.  A former co-worker (who was also a student at the time) once questioned why "Deep Throat" was a topic in an ethics conference for journalists.  See she confused the informant who broke the Watergate Scandal for a sex act.  Yeah... these are the people who then become the reporters that are the butt of jokes.

Even in college, once I changed majors I really started to notice just how little people needed to know.  For example: When I was a Biology major I had to take some pretty difficult Chemistry classes that required quite a bit of math.... making something like standard deviation... easy.  I changed majors and then... I'm sitting in a Statistics class and the professor tells us that "you don't need to know standard deviation because it's too hard"  REALLY!?!?! 

So here I am... boasting a degree that a talking monkey could get... and a job that isn't much better.  I'm applying for jobs that require a person to be organized and intelligent.  Jobs I know that I can do, jobs I know I'm more than qualified for intellectually... but is that really coming across on a job application?  I know once I talk to someone or get an interview I will blow them away... that is if my resume doesn't get blown off.  So here's hoping!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Positive Reaction

I thought I would share a positive event that has happened with me and my search for a job.... don't get your hopes up... there still is no job happening.... but it's a step.

I told you a while back I sent several cold call letters and resumes to several associations.  Well one of them was just a small organization (though you couldn't tell from their site) and they actually called me!  They wanted to tell me that while they are small and don't have any openings they thought I should apply for another one with an organization they work with... so I did.  I know it's not much... but it's just nice to know that you're putting your resume out there in hopes they don't just throw it away and instead you actually get a tip.  I don't know if I'll get the job... but still... a tip is a tip.  And the more jobs I apply to the closer I get to actually getting a job!  So... maybe it's time to send out even more resumes!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Additional Family

I was cleaning up this and found my pile of birthday cards (just a few weeks old).  Before I put them away I always read them one more time.  What I noticed this year was the change in family.  My sister, divorced a year, has a new boyfriend who signed the card... but the one that really got me was Shaun's family.  This year they signed it "love you".  I know it may sound weird... after all it's not like she signed it "mom."... but it meant a lot to me realizing that I have a growing family.

It is weird how easy it comes.. I was raised with my family, and as the youngest I am the last to experience that "in-law" part of a relationship.  I have always wondered how easy or hard it would be to love an entire extended family like they are my own.  And I'm learning... not as hard as one would think.  It started with a just some hugs and Christmas gifts... but now I have a whole new list of people I can call family.

Maybe it's just special to me... see my dad's family was absent most of my life... a long and detailed family story that can just stay with our family... I got used to just having one family, used to having on grandma, 5 aunts, and my cousins.  But now, I have another grandma, mom (don't worry mommy she's NEVER going to replace you!), and brother.... and I have to say... it's great.

Also recently we have reconnected with my dad's family... and while there are still some sore subjects, it is nice to get to know some aunts, uncles, and cousins who I only really knew from old pictures and class assignments of family trees.  It's a bit overwhelming sometimes to think that someone can love you... no matter what... because you are family.... and that's something to keep close to my heart.

Friday, June 4, 2010

How Much is Too Much?

After coming to the realization that we will most likely be chilling in Ohio for a bit longer, it's hard not to let your mind go on with life.  See when we decided we were going to be making the big move we started selling off furniture, knick knacks, etc.  And while it's been nice living clutter free... sometimes you start feeling more like you are living in someone else's home.  That brings me to the issue of the day... what happens when you fall in love with something that you would then have to move??

What sparked this??  A chair... A beautiful chair from World Market.... a pair would just look STUNNING with our living room set.  But at just more than $300 for the set, not only would we be spending money... but would also be giving ourselves two more pieces of furniture we would eventually move.  BUT that's not all... our overwhelming need to eat Sweedish meatballs has us craving a trip to Ikea.  Which we can never leave without spending at least $100 on storage units, lamps, decorations and of course a few packets of Sweedish meatball sauce.  Then it's not worth taking a trip down to West Chester if you are not going to stop at the Outlet Mall which means even more shopping and fun finds. 

So where do you put the limit?  We haven't had a viewing in more than a month... and there is no sign anyone will buy it anytime soon... so shouldn't we enjoy our time here?  I mean those home improvement shows that tell you how to sell your house spend $2000-$4000 to make a house "ready to show".... so maybe those trips could be investments in the house... and maybe a little bit to my closet.  After all it's important to look cute in case I ever get an interview right?? 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bored to Tears

This week I have been stuck at home (Shaun's car is in the shop and since he has a job he used mine)... and I'll tell you what... I AM BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I sit at home and feel sorry for myself, borderline depression and all I am trying to smile.. but it's not easy.  I realized today that it has been an entire month since we've even had a showing and I'm starting to really feel like our house with never sell.  This of course makes it hard to want to keep it clean and keep it in perfect showing condition... let alone go ahead and spend time and money fixing up the landscaping, etc.

But that's not all... I also get down about not being able to find a job... I really honestly believe I am a catch... I just don't think anyone else knows that.  I know this feeling will pass.. the feeling that I am stuck, not just in the house, but in life.... I'm just not sure when.

I am lucky since I have a loving family... both in my house and extended... and they will remind me that I am wonderful... but until then... I am going to have a few days where I just feel sorry for myself.